Melbourne is tough right now. You can’t do much. So instead I’m doing a lot of things I would usually find at the bottom of my ‘to-do list’. Vacuuming the floors (at least twice a week). Walk really slow (‘cause I’ve got nowhere to be). Make Kombucha (haven't died from food poisoning yet). And finally get around to polishing off that terrible clear coat they put on Harley Forks (which only lasts one 100km trip before it gets all chipped, battered and looking like Clint Eastwood’s 90 year old elbow).
So that’s right. No cars at this time. But I do want to share with you one major discovery I’ve made to one of life’s biggest questions. “What do I drink when I can’t choose between beer and spirits?”
Easy. Both… But hear me out, this one’s actually delicious.
Meet the Dark and Hoppy:
45ml - Kraken Spiced Rum
22ml - Ginger syrup
1/3 a can of your favourite craft beer (if you don’t have craft beer add lime).
Fill a glass with ice, mix it together and enjoy. Don’t get freaked out by the beer, just don’t add the whole can or else it just tastes like beer… with rum.
Let me know what you think. This is pretty much my go-to for cocktails at home. Thank me in the comments. (You’re welcome).
#KrakenCollab #Krakencreator #releasethekraken #gifted @krakenrumau